Urban study on the site of thepharmacological facultyfor the creation of aEcopark"
Chatenay-Malabry (92)

Economic eco-district
The land released by the Faculty of Pharmacy will represent a great opportunity to set up a vast tertiary park of 13 ha. The project is located on a central and strategic axis, between Orly and Paris. The business park will be energy positive and will eventually accommodate 120,000 m² of offices, while allowing the establishment of a wide variety of businesses.
Exceptional landscape
The site is located on the edge of the Bois des Verrières and the Parc de la Vallée aux Loups. The project is part of the landscape structure of the city and makes the link between the two parks, by being organized around a large central and unifying landscaped space.
Horticultural cultivation
It is proposed, inside the park, an economic model for plots in agricultural cultivation. The model is close to the logic of the "nursery" and the landscaped areas will host urban horticultural production.
Efficient soft mobility network
We will obviously favor limited car traffic and give pride of place to pedestrian routes, cycles and alternative modes of transport on the site.

Management of cuttings / embankments
The general leveling of the operation was established in order to balance the cut and fill for the public spaces and thus avoid evacuations to landfills.
Alternative EP management: "zero rejection"
For rainwater management, the objective is to achieve “ zero discharge” in the existing network. Rainwater will be stored on and under public spaces, reused for watering and infiltrated into green spaces.
Rainwater will also be cleaned before infiltration by various natural techniques such as settling or phytoremediation.

Place :Chatenay-Malabry (92)
SEURA (Architect - Mandatory urban planner)
Landscape Sequences (Landscaper)
H4 (BET Energy - Mobility)
Total amount of landscaping and servicing works:€10,500,000 excluding tax
Stotal surface of the Ecopark:13 hectares
Marketable area:more than 120,000 m²
Start date of work:2019 / 2020