MISSION : Redevelopment of the Château de Vincennes bus station and create an eco-bus station
Ateve ingenierie is involved in the following works of:
Road and utilities
Method of sustainable development
Project characteristics:
Create a bus station include a drop off point, a pick up point
Create a parking lot
Follow the environmental standard of BREEAM ( energy limitation, sustainable materials)
Create a basin retention
Create a rainwater filtration system
Clients :
Location : VINCENNES
Partnerships :
PROJECTILES (Architecte mandataire) - EVP Ingénierie (Structure) - Emma BLANC (paysagiste) - B52 (Bureau d’étude génie énergétique - VPEAS (Economiste de la construction) - CL Design (agence de graphisme et signalétique) - SETEC
Project cost :
6 300 000 € H.T.
Finish date :