Lycée des métiers du batîment ( LMB ) construction project in Mayotte, including a central kitchen and a dormitory
Background: The Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (Ministère de l’Education Nationale, de l'Enseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche et de l’Innovation français) launched a competition to build and fit out the Lycée des Métiers du Bâtiment (LMB) in Mayotte, which can accommodate more than 2,000 students. This competition was won by the design team of which ATEVE INGENIERIE is involved in. The site is complex because it is located on an flooded area that can be flooded by river overflow and marine overflow during hurricane season. Moreover, it also suffer the seismic risk, the risk of ground movement and landslide.
The project : Therefore, in order to let the school to be built as designed, it would have an adequate diffusion structure to optimize natural ventilation and biological cooling. And we will ditch the diversion channel and amend the altimeter to avoid the school's driveway suffering the risk of flooding. The development of hydraulic includes :Embankment Drainage, Permeable reservoir pavements, Underground rainwater catchments, Flow limiters and Spillways, Swales and Landscape basins with water storage and phyto-purification function, Parking lots and roadways . the surface run-off from southward parking lot is treated by a decanter-oil separator-hydrocarbon separator in order to reduce land-use. Specific hydraulic installations are also make it possible to control the flow speeds of the water in the gully, thus avoiding the overflowing of water on zones where the flow speeds were naturally lower..
This hydraulic system makes it possible to manage rainwater of the LMB and its surroundings to suffer a centurion floods and decrease the risk of flooding downstream of the LMB.
Part of the rainwater is stored in order to be used for toilet flushing, watering, thus saving drinking water.
The central hills, which suffer a risk of landslides and ground movement, were left in a quasi-natural state, thus creating a biodiversity reserve in the centre of the school, connected to the external natural areas by natural corridors. Only slopes at risk of landslides are reinforced using plant engineering techniques.
An option has been studied to treat the LMB's wastewater by phyto-purification through bamboo plantation. This technique has the advantage of: will not create wetlands that accelerate the speed of mosquito proliferation, will not generate sludge. And it will produce bamboos for carbon capture, and providing a material with many possible uses, such as: firewood, construction, parquets, furniture. Moreover, the treated water can be reused for toilet flushing and watering, thus satisfy water needs of the school.
The sidewalk are planned to use the concrete made by the soil of the site.
The LMB is also exemplary and innovative because of the diversity of construction techniques used, such as the earth compressed bricks (BTC), we are planning to modernize them to adapt the seismic risk and to increase the engineering efficiency.
Ventilation of buildings and outdoor spaces is natural, and bioclimatic cooling of buildings and exterior space through the creation of cool outdoor shaded areas where stored rainwater to participate in cooling by evapotranspiration from plants and evaporation from permeable soils.
The LMB also achieves a degree of energy autonomy by installing photovoltaic panels on the roofs and solar water heaters for the production of hot water.
Ministère de l’éducation
Nationale, de l'Enseignement
Supérieur, de la Recherche et de
Location : MAYOTTE
Encore Heureux (Architecte
mandataire) - Co-architectes
(Architectes associés) - Uni vert
durable (paysagiste) - Albert & Cie
(Qualité environnementale du
bâtiment - DD ) - Intégrale
Ingéierie ( Qualité
environnementale tropicale—
structure) - EVP Ingénierie (structure
générale) - Gaujard technologie scop
(structure bois) - BE Vessière (Construction
en blocs de terre comprimée) - Auditori Home
SAS et Unisson (Acousticiens) - MTC.MO
(OPC) - Biotope (Environnement) - NERIS
Conseil ( Sûreté et Sécurité Publiques) -
Carte libre (Restauration collective) - CSTB
(ventilation naturelle) - T&E Ingénierie
(fluides) —REEC (Economiste)
Project cost :
58 000 000 € H.T.
Date of the studies :